

文字 / N&Y Studio    攝影 / Napatthika Sukrin   


位於湄登河谷平原上的Elephant Nature Park ,風景十分怡人。還沒進入園區,從遠處就可以看到野放的象群和牛群在草地上悠哉的漫步著。實際走進園區,工作人員們圍坐在一起忙著給芭蕉去皮。這是大象的食物之一。旁邊還堆放著許多小西瓜和南瓜,經過清洗切塊,然後分裝在籃子裡,再由象夫們送到大象身邊。大象是憑嗅覺辨識,陌生氣味的接近會引起牠們的警戒和不安,因此初到的訪客都只能站在一旁觀察象群,餵食或觸摸等動作,都必須在象夫的許可和陪同下進行。

Elephant Nature Park is on a flatland beside the Mae Tang River. The view is very beautiful; you can also see herds of cows and elephants relaxing on the grass field from a far place. When go in the park, you will see staffs peeling bananas for the elephants. These are one kind of food that elephants eat, they also eat pumpkins and watermelons. You may see the staffs cutting the pumpkins and watermelons into smaller pieces and then put them into baskets. This is the zone to prepare  the  food  for  elephants. The elephants can differ from the difference of the stranger and their caretakers by using its nose. So don’t get too close to the elephants because it will think that you are going to harm them. You have to wait for the caretakers to tell you that you can feed or touch the elephants.


這裡不對大象做任何訓練,象夫們的手中沒有讓大象疼痛和恐懼的象夫刀 ( ตะขอช้าง Elephant hook,一種用來馴服大象的工具 ),也不會騎在大象身上,只是稍微保持一點距離的守護在大象身側,當牠們洗澡時幫牠們舀水潑水,在牠們玩累了之後為牠們提來裝滿瓜果的食籃。所有在這裡工作的人都熟知每隻大象的名字、身世、脾氣和喜好。園區裡有大象們喜歡玩的輪胎和球,還有可以痛快打滾的超大泥坑。除了發情期的公象會被隔離,其他大象都無拘無束地生活得十分幸福美滿的樣子。

In this park they don’t  train elephants to do tricks, like painting, raising flags etc. They especially don’t use elephant hooks that makes them frighten and hurt. (elephant hook ,ตะขอช้าง, it is a tool that is used to tame elephants).  Also the caretakers don’t  ride on the elephants and they only stand beside the elephants. When the elephants shower the caretakers will help pour water on them. When the elephants are tired they will feed  them. The staffs and caretakers know every elephant’s name, childhood, temper and their hobbies. In the park there are tires, balls and big mudflats for the elephants to play with. When the male feel like finding a mate, they have to be put in a cage because they will become too aggressive. Other than that, they have a lot of freedom.


這裡收留了從其他象園"退役"下來的大象,牠們多數從3歳起就被迫離開母象,每天接受訓練,然後持續工作直到傷病老殘。在創辦人Lek女士的救援下,這些老病大象得免於被棄養虐殺的命運,來到這裡安度餘生,或在恢復健康之後回歸叢林。目前在園區內除了大象,還收容貓、狗和牛等, 不僅解決流浪動物的問題,也讓牠們都能生活在自然的環境中並得到專業完善的醫療照護。

At the park, they bring in injured, sick, or old elephants , most of the elephants are separated from their mother at the age of three and work until they become sick or old. Mrs.Lek is the owner of the park and she saved these elephants  from death or being abandoned. They can be peaceful and safe at the park for the rest life or when they fully recover they can go back into the forest. There are also cats, dogs and cows at the park, they also let the stray animals live in a natural environment and get the best medical care.



If you want to get more information or contact them for a visit or volunteer ,you can visit their website and get their phone numbers.


Tel: +66 (0) 53 272855、+66 (0) 53 818932


    清邁 Elephant Nature Park

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